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THE ONE WHO IS: the doctrine and existence of God
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A Theological and Apologetics Handbook
by Dr. Kenny Rhodes
Just as the Father is “the One who is” (Exod. 3: 14), so likewise is his Word the “One who is, God over all” (Rom. 9: 5). Nor is the Holy Spirit nonexistent but truly exists and subsists.—Athanasius
The doctrine of God lies at the heart of sacred doctrine, whose formal object is to know God, and all other things in relation to God. —St. Thomas Aquinas
The doctrine of God is the central point for much of the rest of theology. One’s view of God might even be thought of as supplying the whole framework within which one’s theology is constructed, life is lived, and ministry is conducted.
-Millard Erickson
Much of the ineffectuality of the Church today is due to the neglect of, or a false view of the nature of God. The proper understanding of God, as revealed in Scripture, is the foundation and substratum of all reality. One’s view of God is the base and blueprint upon which life is built and lived out.
- Kenny Rhodes